Xingyi Quan Bashi: Wong Jackman Lineage, Tiger Claw Tournament 40-60 Division

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On May 4th and 5th The Tiger Claw Elite Championships was at the McEnery Convention Center in San Jose. This prestigious tournament draws an international and national crowd of contestants. It is hosted by Gigi and Johnny Oh and their Tiger Claw Martial Arts Supply Company. This tournament does not contain combat divisions and instead focuses on the dynamic and exciting display of exotic training routines and new choreography. The Tiger Claw Elite Championships is one of the only events where you see competitors from all branches of Chinese martial arts and sports together in one room at the same time.

The 10,000 Victories Kung Fu and Tai Chi School Team performed well and won many awards.

Enjoy this Bashi performance by Henry Geddes at the Tiger Claw Tournament in the 40-60 division.

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#TigerClawEliteChampionships #MartialArtsCompetition #ExoticTrainingRoutines #ChoreographyShowcase #ChineseMartialArts #McEneryConventionCenter #SanJose #GigiOh #JohnnyOh #TigerClawMartialArtsSupply #10000VictoriesKungFuTaiChi #AwardWinners #xingyi #kungfu #xingyiquan #wongjackman