The Problem With Aikido Students

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I want to talk to y’all about the Problem with Aikido Students.

This is all based on what I observed when I visited an Aikido school back in Nashville about 5 years ago. I talked about that visit in my video, The Problem with Aikido, but I didn’t say everything I wanted to say in the video which is why I’m making a follow-up video.

So before I dive in to everything, I want to share something that Rokas said recently in his video, “Was I wrong about Aikido?”

This line about if Aikido is being trained in the right way is exactly what I was driving at as The Problem with Aikido in my last video, but before I start to unpack everything, let me backtrack, just in case you didn’t actually see the last video.

Okay, so I study an internal martial art called Zhong Xin Dao Il Liq Chuan. Just to keep things simple, I’ll say that it is very similar to Taijiquan because it’s based on the Taiji Principles.

I got my start in Chinese martial arts with Wushu while I was in the Navy because I was planning to become a stuntman after I finished my contract.

So I was looking to check out a local Aikido school in Nashville because I knew there was a lot of choreographed routines; I would get to practice learning how to fall and roll; and I was also hoping to be able to practice with a lot of people who were doing something internal.

Now if you don’t know what I mean when I say that I wanted to be able to practice with people doing something Internal, well… I’ll just say that if you study Aikido, then you just might also be a victim to what I consider to be the Problem with Aikido.

#Aikido #MartialArts #GoldenBellTraining
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