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Trigeminal Neuralgia is a chronic pain disorder that involves sudden, severe facial pain. It is a disorder of the sensory nucleus of the trigeminal nerve, in the superior mandibular & maxillary branch of this nerve.
Trigeminal neuralgia Symptoms: bouts of recurring, severe stabbing pain in the back of the jaw and along one side of the face and head.
Basic TCM patterns are Wind/phlegm-heat or Liver Fire.
Basic Acupuncture points for the pain: ST 6, ST 7, GB 3, ST 8, Li 4, SJ 5, SJ 23 & Tai Yang.
Treatment options:
– Auricular acupuncture: LV, Jaw, Jaw
Temporal & Ear
– Visualization, meditation
and Qi Gong can also help with the pain
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TCM Geek
#trigeminalneuralgia #painrelief