Daoyin Yangsheng Gong – Yuzhen Buyuan Gong – Kidney Qigong (Rear View)

yang shen gong

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In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the kidneys are associated with the winter season and are the source of all the energy in the body. They also maintain the balance of yin and yang energies in the body and store vital reserves which help in times of stress and illness.

There are several particular characteristics that distinguish Daoyin Yangsheng Gong including a combination of movement with attention of the mind, focus and/or massage of specific acupuncture points, and spiraling movements particularly in the extremities. By alternating between resting positions and exercises, tension and relaxation are combined which helps to stimulate the meridians and facilitate better qi flow.

The practice of Daoyin Yangsheng Gong can be a great contributor to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It can be used as a preventative measure for healthy individuals to enhance the body’s natural immunity, it can be applied as a curative measure in addition to prescribed treatment, and it can be used for rehabilitation from injury or disease. In clinical tests Daoyin Yangsheng Gong has proved to be effective in improving the health of various patients, in preventing worsening of a particular disease and in aiding healing of many acute and chronic conditions with no discernable side effects.

1. Lift and Clean Off Robes
2. Golden Lion Stands Tall
3. Hang Tail Climb Foot
4. Embracing Buddha’s Feet
5. Goose Lands on Flat Sand
6. Wind Blows the Remaining Clouds
7. Lion Rolls the Ball
8. Return Qi to Dantian

Music Credit:
Track: Music Mantra (Pipa Playing),NCM version
Music provided by Youtube Free Music Library (NCM)

Music Credit:

Music from Soundcloud
Music provided by RFM: