Qigong for the 3 Treasures | LONG Version | Mind – Heart – Body | Dao Yoga & Shaolin Chi Kung

Harness the power the 3 Forces (Earth, Nature, Heaven) to transform the 3 Treasures (Body, Heart, Mind). Through Qigong & Daoyin (Dao Yoga) exercises find flexibility, strength, and relief from chronic pain and stress. Become a Qigong Teacher in 12 Weeks Online Learn More at www.nickloffree.com Follow me over at: Instagram.com/nickofqi Tiktok.com/@nickofqi #Qigong #Treasures #LONG…

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A Qigong energy routine inspired by Donna Eden’s Daily Energy exercises designed to wake up your body’s energies and get them moving in the right direction. This routine combines some of the best Eden Energy Medicine practices with basic Qigong purging warm ups and Qigong Flow. Marisa traveled to a far away land with luscious…

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