yang shen gong


This video we bring you about yang shen gong to you so you can watch and also have access to related topics and items, all in one place. You can learn and keep learning without distraction. 歡迎觀看,祝您看的開心❤️ #武俠劇 #kungfu ⚔️劇名:封神英雄榜(The Investiture of the Gods) 🏹劇情簡介:該劇是由陳鍵鋒、張馨予、張迪、鄭亦桐、姜薏柔、張明明、吳卓翰、張倬聞領銜主演的古裝神話劇。根據中國古典名著《封神演義》改編。講述了姜子牙等神兵天將輔佐西周武王,討伐商紂王,消滅狐妖妲己的奇幻故事。 🗡️播放列表: #熱血武俠劇場 #中國武俠電視劇 #kungfu #kungfumaster #武打片 #武俠電影 #Chinesekungfu #空手道 #fightscene

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Shaolin Kung Fu Landau: Verdichtung

This video we bring you about neigong to you so you can watch and also have access to related topics and items, all in one place. You can learn and keep learning without distraction. Kung Fu, Taiji, Neigong und Meditation in Landau. Online und vor Ort! Montag: Nei Gong 18:30-20:30 Uhr Dienstag: Taiji 19:20-21:20 Uhr…

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