
關西原野射箭 108M & 144M Field Archery n Taiwan│【傳統弓小教室】形意拳八卦掌│健棋道館

This video we bring you about baguazhang to you so you can watch and also have access to related topics and items, all in one place. You can learn and keep learning without distraction. 【傳統弓小教室】 關西原野射箭 108M & 144M Ft. Field Archery n Taiwan 感謝雅弽傳統弓術教室, 這次來挑戰破百米的原野射箭, 新竹關西的好空氣, 加上小莊老師的認真教學, 大家的傳統弓術更上一層樓了🏹🏹 ☀️印度棒鈴班,招生中☀️ 🐤兒童少年防身班,招生中🐤 全方位追蹤我們: #形意拳八卦掌ChineseKungFuInTaipei #實體與線上課程週二至週六招生中 #健棋道館近台電大樓站與古亭站…

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