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Water, also known as tzuann chuan or drilling, is the second element in the five elements of Hsing I Chuan. Once again, the weight is 70% on the rear leg and 30% on the front leg. Taught by Sifu/Guro Jason W Brigham. Hsing I Chuan,hsing i,hsing yi chuan,xing yi quan,xingyiquan,water,five elements,wu xing,tzuann chuan,drilling,internal arts,internal kung…

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Neigong [Tai Chi] (2018)

Neigong means “Internal Work.” While external work would imply relying mostly on strength, neigong means more work with internal body mechanics, aim, focus, and sensitivity of touch. Through practice of neigong, you must learn to accurately discern what is happening with your body by feel, and with your opponent’s body by touch. Without doing so,…

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