xing yi chuan staff

Shanxi Xing Yi Quan Stick

This video we bring you about xing yi chuan staff to you so you can watch and also have access to related topics and items, all in one place. You can learn and keep learning without distraction. A set with a medium-sized staff held normal and “reversed” methods, and shown combatting the spear. This is…

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240234-Palms stick to sky and earth.

Specific exercise improve symptoms, daily full-body exercises remove root causes. 240234-Palms stick to sky and earth. 1. Relieve shoulder and back pain. 2. Lose waist fat. 3. Relieve migraines. 9 times each side one set, 2-3 sets a day. Inhale, stretch one hand up and one hand down; exhale, come back. First look down at…

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