Open hips joint flexibility and boost Blood circulation #TaiChi #Taijiquan #MartialArts #TCM
#Open #hips #joint #flexibility #boost #Blood #circulation #TaiChi #Taijiquan #MartialArts #TCM
#Open #hips #joint #flexibility #boost #Blood #circulation #TaiChi #Taijiquan #MartialArts #TCM
Qigong for Insomnia or improving sleep quality. This routine uses gentle movements that help your body and mind calm down and prepare for a restful evening. Filmed next to a beautiful mountain river with high quality sound and video. Become a Qigong Teacher in 12 Weeks Online Learn More at #Evening #Qigong #Sleep #Relaxing #Mountain…
#Balance #Exercise #prevent #falls #TaiChi #Taijiquan #MartialArts #TCM #energywork #qigong
2-Min Simple Healing Sound for Sleep (Healing Sounds Qi Gong) Join the Self-Healing with Sound Workshop with Master Qi Gong Teacher Lee Holden: It’s getting harder and harder for people to fall asleep. If you’re like many people, your mind races, you feel “overstimulated” from life’s demands, the news, social media, screen time, and other…
#Relieve #pain #sciatica #pain #TaiChi #Taijiquan #MartialArts #TCM #sciatica
Brain fog is the lack of ability to focus. So, how do you clear brain fog so you can focus and get things done again? You need to increase the energy in your brain and mind. But… how? Join Master Qi Gong Teacher Lee Holden as he shares his top tips for clearing brain fog….
Build immunity and clear stress with this simple beginner’s Qigong routine. Whether facing a pandemic, or just a regular cold and flu season, one of the best ways we can keep our immune systems strong is to lower our stress and build up our energy, and that is what makes Qigong such good preventative medicine….
#Relieve #Shoulder #Pain #TaiChi #Taijiquan #MartialArts #TCM #energywork #Mindfulness #Health
Join Lee for two weeks of online Qi Gong classes for free. Just click the link below to get started: Everybody gets exposed to toxins. The good news is, your body has a completely natural detoxification process. Without much effort on your part, your body cleanses and clears energy to help promote healing. But did…
*For more health tips follow us on Instagram: @tcmhealingcenter This series of 18 specific movements is called Lian Gong Yi Qi Gong and can be translated as “the practice of 18 health exercises to strengthen vital energy (练功十八法益气功).” It incorporates deep, relaxed breathing and gentle, meditative movements which work to balance the flow of energy…