六合八法 Liu He Ba Fa Water Boxing by Master Wu Wen Ching and a disciple

liu he ba fa

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Liu He Ba Fa means 6 Harmonies and 8 Methods.
Liu He Ba Fa is also known as Water Boxing.

Liu He Ba Fa was created by Master Chen Tuan (Hei) 871989.
Master Chen was a mathematician and
Taoist sage who lived in the Shanshi province of China.

300s years after Master Chen created Liu He Ba Fa, Li Dong Feng found Master Chen’s cave and discovered his Liu He Ba Fa.

The complete name of Liu He Ba Fa is
Xin Yi Liu He Ba Fa San Pan Shi Er Shi=
Mind Intention 6 Harmonies 8 Methods 3 Stances 12 Postures.

Six Harmonies include harmonizing the body and the heartmind, heartmind and intent,
intent and energy,
energy and spirit,
spirit and movement
and movement and emptiness.

Eight Methods refer to (1) Qi (energy),
circulating Qi to concentrate Shen (spirit);
(2) Gu (bones), collecting energy inside the bones;
(3) Xing (form), incorporating animal forms from nature;
(4) Sui (to follow), circular and smooth motion responding to the situation;
(5) Ti (lifting), lifting from the crown of one’s head to have a floating feeling;
(6) Huan (returning), coming and going in a cycle;
(7) Le (suspending), being motionless and calm while waiting; and (8) Fu (concealing), looking for an opening while concealing yourself.

Three Stances refer to stances of different heights when one is practicing.
The classics have the following sayings:
at the high stance,
one can walk so fast as if he is chasing the wind;
at the middle stance,
one is moving like a swimming dragon;
and at the low stance,
one is very strong and demonstrates one’s real internal strength.

Hua Yue Xin Yi Liu He Ba Fa Quan can be translated as
“Hua mountain heartmind and intent six harmonies eight methods boxing”.
It is seen as one of the most sophisticated forms of internal kung fu that for a long time was only taught inside closely guarded circles.
It is a unique, effective and unusually beautiful fighting style.
The style is commonly referred to as Water Boxing,
as its movements are all as smooth as running water.
Indeed, the practitioner must ‘become’ the very nature of water – soft one moment and thunderously powerful the next,
fluid, adaptable and formless.

Twelve Postures refer to the single posture practice method,
and are named after twelve different animals.

To lead the body with the mind and intention,
one should start from the Eight Methods;
hard and soft energies should be both employed so that Yin and Yang can be harmonized;
when the body movements and the applications are understood and coordinated, the whole body is full of springing energy;
one should be circular, extended, relaxed, harmonized and calm to cultivate the qi;
to move like a swimming dragon externally and to store the precious qi internally;

it is Master Wu that we depend on to spread and develop the great art of Liu He Ba Fa.

(Headmaster of Chinese Central Martial Arts Institute, Mr. Zhang Zhi-Jiang

Six Harmonies Eight Methods Boxing

Six Harmonies, 六合

體合於心 Body and Mind Combine
心合於意 Mind and Intent Combine
意合於氣 Intent and Chi Combine
氣合於神 Chi and Spirit Combine
神合於動 Spirit and Movement Combine
動合於空 Movement and Emptiness Combine

Eight Methods, 八法

氣 Qi
骨 Bone
形 Shape
隨 Follow
提 Rise
還 Return
勒 Retain
伏 Conceal

This video was downloaded and edited from Master Wu Wen-Ching LIuhebafa with applications 六合八法 @

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