Chi Nei Tsang Training

nei tsang

This video we bring you about nei tsang to you so you can watch and also have access to related topics and items, all in one place. You can learn and keep learning without distraction.

Chi Nei Tsang abdominal massage one of my favorite Universal Healing Tao techniques. I love teaching it; I love receiving it, and enjoy giving the treatments as well. We have a six part program where you can learn many techniques; you can download the whole package. Each lesson is about one hour. There is also some meditation that will be taught with those lessons. I also have a special product call the Constipation Cure. If you get nothing else, try that one. Learn how to clean out that sewer system. Very bad things happen when our sewer system backs up. Have fun looking around and start training a little bit maybe one video at a time and then get in touch with me and we’ll take a look at what you should learn next. Now for those of you that are already certified massage therapist or, in your country if you don’t have to be certified to touch, and you want to take the online certification course for Chi Nei Tsang, take a look at the training area of this website and we’ll get you all set up. Have a great time playing with your abdominal massage videos.
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