Daoyin 12-Movement Qigong

dao yin

This video we bring you about dao yin to you so you can watch and also have access to related topics and items, all in one place. You can learn and keep learning without distraction.

This beautiful qigong form is thought to be around 2000 years old. Designed for illness prevention and health maintenance, it is a joy to practise. Some of the moves are very challenging so it’s important to remember that this may be unaccustomed activity for you and could make you sore if you push too hard. Be moderate in your stances: don’t go too low or wide in your horse stance; likewise don’t go too low in the cross-legged crouch if it strains too much; if overhead moves are a problem for your shoulders/neck/upper back then bring your arms further forward of the head. Modify any moves as needed and make the form feel beautiful for you. If you need help modifying the moves to suit, come to my classes! 😊
