Daoyin Yangsheng Gong – Yiqi Yangfei Gong – Lung Qigong: Movement 1 – Dry Bath on Yinxiang Points

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Qigong for the Respiratory System (Lung Form) was the first of the complete forms created in the Daoyin Yangsheng Gong syllabus by Professor Zhang Guangde in 1972. The form was first introduced in hospitals in China in 1974 as a complimentary therapy, and in 1980 a comprehensive study of its effects on people with chronic lung issues was completed at the Beijing University of Physical Education. Results showed that approximately 80% of the participants showed improvement after practicing this specific qigong form for three months, with increases in respiratory volume being the most common result. In accordance with Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, the lung meridian acts as the “governor” meridian, and it follows that if the lung meridian is “full” (smoothed and free of blockages) then all other meridians will be “full” also. Therefore, it is often recommended that a beginner should start with a qigong form that focuses on the lungs.

Music Credit:
Track: Music Mantra (Pipa Playing),NCM version
Music provided by Youtube Free Music Library (NCM)