Distant Reiki Treatments

Distant Reiki Treatment (Quantum Healing)

Reiki is omnipresent, meaning that it is EVERYWHERE. Many have experienced Distant Reiki treatments, and have found comfort in the fact that they can receive a treatment, no matter where in the World they may be.

Distant Reiki treatments are good because there is no need to visit me, and you don’t have to leave your home.

How Do Distant Reiki Treatments Work?

Typically, we communicate and setup a time and day. You either relax and receive the distant treatment, or you do nothing different and go about as you would normally. Both methods are effective, but relaxing and laying or sitting while receiving tends to have a better result.

Most times, the receiver actually can feel it and almost 90% of the time, those receivers will corroborate what was being done to them (where they felt the energy in a form of tingling, warmth, pressure, etc.)

Reiki has been used for hundreds of years, and until Quantum Physics experiments provided undeniable evidence that there is a connection between all beings, it was thought of as unreal. But ever since, there has been more and more acceptance of the thought that two people can be connected, or that Conscious Energy can cross the world just by thinking about someone. Have you ever thought about someone you haven’t spoken to in a long time, only to receive a call from them or run into them? Is it a co-incidence?

How Do I Setup An Appointment?

You just call/text me. We then will schedule a date and exact time. I will need a photograph and name of the person that will receive the treatment. We setup payment using either CashApp, Venmo, PayPal, Zelle, or online purchase, and once the exchange has completed, the treatment will happen as agreed.

How Much Do Distant Treatments Cost?

Distant Treatments are $35 USD for a 1 hour treatment. I have always made my treatments affordable, and accessible to anyone. Especially those who have nothing to lose by trying it.