Nei Jia Quan – Internal Martial Arts – Bagua Zhang


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The world within, creates the world without. NJQ stands for Nei Jia Quan, translated means ‘internal fist’. Nei Jia Quan is comprised of the Taoist internal martial arts Bagua Zhang, Tai Chi Chuan, and Xing Yi Quan. Bagua Zhang is famous as an ancient internal martial art and for improving health. Bagua Zhang emphasizes circular flowing movements, it develops upper-body flexibility, leg strength, and lighting-quick hands and feet. Bagua Zhang training generates a strong flow of internal energy that energizes your muscles for increased strength. It is considered by many Internal Arts practitioners to be the most effective out of the three main internal arts for health and fighting prowess.

The main purpose of Bagua Zhang is to improve health. It is about the flow between the mind and body. The theory behind learning this art form is that once it is understood, a person’s overall life and balance will improve. Meditation and using one’s energy effectively are a part of it all.

Video by : & Nathan Patrick