Baguazhang Lake Palm Punch Throw

Lake Palm 俯掌of Jiulong Baguazhang 九龍八卦 掌 This Clip: A short demonstration filmed in 1994 of defense against a straight punch with Lake Palm / Fu Zhang 俯掌 shape and application used in the Li family Jiulong Baguazhang (Nine Dragon Eight Diagram Palm Boxing). Lake Palm is a powerful downward energy that can press, cut,…

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Sha Guozhen Bagua Zhang

Sha Guozhen is a legend in Chinese martial arts. He began studying martial arts as a child. He started learning Bagua at 16 studying under Wang Lide’s student Wang Chiche. Wang Lide had been a student of Dong Haichuan and practiced “Lion style” bagua. Although he later studyed under many other great masters of bagua…

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Baguazhang For Police

Combat Baguazhang for Police Fire Palm Strike and Throw PKC™ is the name of a close quarter combat system taught through the American Rangers Martial Law Enforcement Training Center (ARMLETI) to law enforcement, corrections officers and body guards. Over 30,000 officers have been introduced to PKC methods that range from hand to hand tactics, edge…

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