9-Min Qi Gong for Winter Routine

In this short winter Qi Gong workout, you’ll learn several movements to help boost your immune system and get your life-force energy flowing freely. ==LEARN MORE QI GONG== To learn more Qi Gong routines with Lee, check out our live online classes. You can sign up for two weeks of FREE classes here: #9Min #Gong…

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20 MIN TAI CHI WARM UP AND STRETCH – Joint Mobility, Stretching & Relaxation as an Anti Aging System

20 min Tai Chi warm-up and stretch to maintain joint mobility, muscle flexibility and elasticity and promote relaxation. By master Marco Insalata. This simple sequence of warm-up exercises is a great way to prevent aging. 20 minutes of training to keep the body young and flexible, release tension and promote general well-being. You can also…

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Qi Gong Exercise and Massages to Lower Blood Pressure (For High Blood Pressure/ Hypertension)

Hypertension (Or High Blood Pressure) is affecting 25% of the people in the world. It can cause many health effects in the long term. Uncontrolled high blood pressure could lead to complications such as Heart Attack, Stroke, Dementia, Weakened Kidneys, Metabolic Syndromes etc. Therefore controlling blood pressure is important for people who have hypertension. Here…

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