Reiki for Financial Stress and Money Blocks

Receive Reiki and release old thought patterns and any other blocks and beliefs that have limited your financial gain and security. Reiki can help us create healthier thought patterns because thoughts are energy. You possess the conscious power to change your thoughts and achieve new possibilities. So, combine Reiki with your power of mind to…

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Full Body Reiki Session

Andrea offers a Distance Reiki Session with the intention of helping you with whatever is in your highest good. You are also invited to state your own intention to invited the Reiki to help you in that way. Music is provided but no talking or ads.. ✨ 💞 All Andrea’s Projects and Offerings! 🎧 Podcast:…

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Full Hour Distance Reiki Session

Enjoy a full hour of Reiki for your highest good. Whatever issue you want to address, Reiki supports you on all levels — physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually and cannot harm. Repeat as you feel guided, relax, and receive. 💞 All of Andrea’s Projects and her Membership for Reiki practitioners are linked here: 🎧 Podcast:…

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Explaining Reiki To Skeptics

Explaining Reiki to Skeptics can be a daunting task because Reiki, fundamentally, is something that is intangible . However…I hope with the points that I cover in this video not only will you be able to explain your Reiki practice to others…but further even the most ardent skeptics will understand what this thing called Reiki…

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