Tai Chi with Bach

Original video is downloaded from internet. Software is designed for web cam and video and is written in C++ uses OpenCV and OpenFrameworks libraries. Images that are taken from original video are processed in real time. This video created from the software output and then the music is added. Original Video : youtube.com/watch?v=qV6PjN55Lb4 Music: Cantata…

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Ask the Master #7: Why Tai Chi Chuan is slow?

Simple and direct questions answered by Master Yang Jun, a 6th generation Yang family descendent and linneage holder. His greatest wish is to unite practitioners in China and the West into one big family where despite national borders and cross-cultural differences, everyone is linked together through their love of tai chi chuan. Informations about Yang…

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A Qigong energy routine inspired by Donna Eden’s Daily Energy exercises designed to wake up your body’s energies and get them moving in the right direction. This routine combines some of the best Eden Energy Medicine practices with basic Qigong purging warm ups and Qigong Flow. Marisa traveled to a far away land with luscious…

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