A Qigong energy routine inspired by Donna Eden’s Daily Energy exercises designed to wake up your body’s energies and get them moving in the right direction. This routine combines some of the best Eden Energy Medicine practices with basic Qigong purging warm ups and Qigong Flow. Marisa traveled to a far away land with luscious…

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Taijiquan NeiGong

There’s a lot of confusion about what’s internal and what’s external in Taijiquan. Perhaps in Chinese martial arts in general, lots of talking about this but none of the sources seems to have grasped what’s actually the truth. As for the typical American term “work-out” there’s also “work-in” (in Chinese) and it’s called Nei-Gong. There’s…

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Tai Chi vs Boxing

Tai Chi vs Boxing. Tai Chi Chuan or Tai Ji Quan is the Grand Ultimate Fist! Like any martial art it is meant for self defense and/or fighting! But, today most practice Tai Chi for health. How does Tai Chi Stack up against Boxing??? Check out these moves….. Join My Online Kung Fu & Tai…

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