Xing Yi Quan: 12 Animal Sword (Jian) Linking Sequence + Applications [Xingyiquan /Hsing I Chuan]


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Here is a Xing Yi 12 animals linking sequence using Chinese Straight Sword (Jian) created by Paul Andrews. He has selected methods from each animal and put them together to show different characters and aspects of their strategy. There are a few applications at the end to give some ideas for using these methods.

In order: Bear-Eagle, Snake, Tiger, Dragon, Chicken, Horse, Swallow, Alligator/Crocodile, Flycatcher (Tai), Monkey, Turtle.

Oops! we missed out Goshawk (Hawk)! When I created the sequence it was in there but I forgot to do that section!

Disclaimer – Practising with weapons can be dangerous, play safe, use protective equipment if needed and you do so at your own risk.

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