Gao style Baguazhang: Form and Function with Master Luo De Xiu

Over the years, I have met many baguazhang practitioners that practice their forms with no real understanding of what the movements are trying to convey to them. It was either that their teacher was not knowledgeable or was not open enough to give them the keys they needed to unlock the forms. I have studied various styles and lineages of Baguazhang for over 35 years. It was not until I had the privilege to become a student of Gao style Baguazhang under Luo Laoshi that I started to truly understand this wonderful art. Although this clip is short in duration, its content speaks volumes. Baguazhang is not “mysterious” and “vague”, as I have many times heard it described. Especially in the Gao style with both its pre and post-heaven sets. Baguazhang is a profoundly effective martial and healing art with a very concise and systematic approach to training. Those of you that have experienced Master Luo’s teaching can attest to this. I hope you will join us on September 28th and 29th and experience for yourselves Master Luo’s knowledge, ability and willingness to explain internal theory, proper body mechanics, health benefits and fighting theory in a way that is clear and easy to understand.

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