Hsing-I Linking Form – Linking the Five Elements of Xingyi

Hsing-I Linking Form – Linking the Five Elements of Xingyi – www.internalfightingarts.com – Sifu Ken Gullette in a short clip from a DVD as he explains body mechanics for the first couple of moves in the Xingyi Linking Form “Lien Huan Wi Hsing” (Linking the Five Elements). This form is taught to students after they have learned the individual fist posture forms – Pi Chuan, Tsuan Chuan, Peng Chuan, Pao Chuan and Heng Chuan. Buy the DVD on Ken’s websites — www.kungfu4u.com or www.internalfightingarts.com — or on his blog at www.internalarts.typepad.com.

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