18 Breathing & Movement Exercises (Qi Gong)

*For more health tips follow us on Instagram: @tcmhealingcenter This series of 18 specific movements is called Lian Gong Yi Qi Gong and can be translated as “the practice of 18 health exercises to strengthen vital energy (练功十八法益气功).” It incorporates deep, relaxed breathing and gentle, meditative movements which work to balance the flow of energy…

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3 Best Qi Gong Exercises to Reverse Aging

In this 8-minute video, Lee Holden teaches you his top three exercises to reverse aging. You will: -Circulate fresh Qi in your body by activating the Water Element connected to your kidneys. -Open up your lung capacity so you can breathe deeper and bring more life into your body. -Wring out tension and tightness from…

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3 Exercises to Improve Eyesight | Natural Eye Health Qi Gong

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/lykFwm3IWv8/hqdefault.jpg Has working on screens, laptops, and cell phones made your eyesight fuzzy? Join Master Qi Gong Teacher Lee Holden to learn three exercises and pressure points to increase circulation and healing energy to your eyes. These simple exercises can help naturally improve your eyesight over time. They’re also great for headaches! ===LEARN MORE QI…

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