Tai Chi

Follow Instagram: #TaiChi #MorningExercise #HealthAndHarmony Tai Chi, Tai Chi Chuan, Taiji, taijiquan, Tai Chi master, tai chi for beginners,chinese culture, , chinese martial arts, , 太极, asiatica culture #Tai #Chi

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3 Exercises to Improve Eyesight | Natural Eye Health Qi Gong

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/lykFwm3IWv8/hqdefault.jpg Has working on screens, laptops, and cell phones made your eyesight fuzzy? Join Master Qi Gong Teacher Lee Holden to learn three exercises and pressure points to increase circulation and healing energy to your eyes. These simple exercises can help naturally improve your eyesight over time. They’re also great for headaches! ===LEARN MORE QI…

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