Xing Yi Quan Spear Methods: Qiangfa Deep Body Mechanics + Bare Hand [Xingyiquan / Hsing I Chuan]

xing yi chuan spear

This video we bring you about xing yi chuan spear to you so you can watch and also have access to related topics and items, all in one place. You can learn and keep learning without distraction.


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This is a clip taken from a Xing Yi Academy Spear seminar.

Here Paul is talking about the concept of “reeling” which we use in our system of spear fighting and how it crosses over into barehand practice as well.

Reeling is all about curling and tightening a flow of energy, using the body to do this. Often this is to pull back or reel in the energy which has been sent out in order to send that energy out again. Useful when deflecting attacks and counter attacking immediately or if you miss your target and want to continue to press onwards.

Our Patreon supporters also received a special blog on how to practice reeling with a spear. To become a Patreon supporter take a look at our page here:

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