Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan in 1918

These newly restored photographs show the evolution of Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan. Master Yang Chengfu demonstrates each posture. Does your own style match the historical standard?


0:00 Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan in 1918 (1918年杨式太极拳)
0:10 Opening (起式)
0:18 Grasp The Bird’s Tail (揽雀尾)
0:26 Single Whip (单鞭)
0:35 Raise Hands And Step Forward (提手上势)
0:43 White Crane Spreads Wings (白鹤亮翅)
0:52 Brush Knee And Push (左搂膝拗步)
1:00 Play The Pipa (手挥琵琶)
1:08 Brush Knee And Push (右搂膝拗步)
1:17 Step Forward, Parry, Block, And Punch (进步搬拦捶)
1:25 Apparent Closing (如封似闭)
1:34 Embrace Tiger, Return To Mountain (抱虎归山)
1:41 Fist Under Elbow (肘底捶)
1:50 Diagonal Flying (斜飞式)
1:58 Needle At Sea Bottom (海底针)
2:07 Fan Through Back (扇通背)
2:15 Cloud Hands (云手)
2:23 High Pat On Horse (高探马)
2:31 Right Separation Kick (右分脚)
2:40 Left Separation Kick (左分脚)
2:48 Step Forward And Punch Down (进步栽锤)
2:57 Right Heel Kick (右蹬脚)
3:05 Left Strike Tiger (左打虎式)
3:13 Twin Fists Strike Ears (双峰灌耳)
3:22 Diagonal Single Whip (斜单鞭)
3:30 Part The Wild Horse’s Mane (野马分鬃)
3:38 Fair Lady Works At Shuttles (玉女穿梭)
3:46 Snake Creeps Down (下势)
3:55 Golden Rooster Stands On One Leg (金鸡独立)
4:03 Diagonal Flying (斜飞式)
4:12 Cross Kick (十字腿)
4:20 Step Forward And Punch To Groin (进步指裆锤)
4:28 Step Forward, Seven Stars (上步七星)
4:37 Step Back, Ride The Tiger (退步跨虎)
4:45 Turn Body, Lotus Kick (转身摆莲)
4:53 Bend Bow, Shoot Tiger (弯弓射虎)
5:02 Cross Hands (十字手)


#Yang #Family #Tai #Chi #Chuan