5 Minute Heart and Shen Calming Qigong Practice with Jeffrey Chand

Here is a simple 5 minute Qigong practice to help settle a busy mind, tension in the chest, and unsettled Shen.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine and Qigong, we will be healthy when our blood and qi moves smoothly throughout the body, the meridians, the internal organs, and the soft tissue.

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Our qi becomes stagnant due to:
-poor lifestyle habits
-injury or illness
-being too sedentary
-and of course… stress

The key to health and vitality is simply keeping our blood and qi moving smoothly throughout the body.

We are prone to “stagnation of blood and qi” in different areas depending on your constitution and your particular situation.

For example:

if you live in a hot climate, vs living in a cold climate
if you work too much vs not working enough
if you are very relaxed vs very stressed
and so on.

Many people are prone to stagnation in the heart, chest, and what’s called Shen. Shen is loosely translated as the spirit.

When a person has healthy Shen they feel lively, energetic, and engaged in life.

When a person has deficient Shen they feel depressed, withdrawn, disengaged in life.

And, if a person has an unsettled Shen they can feel anxious, ungrounded, and their mind can be too active with repetitive thoughts.

This simple 5 minute Qigong practice will help both conditions – deficient Shen and unsettled Shen. It is easy, simple, and natural. Just follow along a few times, then you can practice on your own.

The key is to remember to breathe, relax, and find “Flow” in your Qigong practice.

Shen is something we often discuss in the Communi Qi because many of us experience unsettled Shen which manifests as anxiety. One of our most popular Qigong routines is called “Heart Healing.”

Because of it’s popularity we recently added a routine called Peaceful Shen and it is also becoming practiced quite a bit!

Come join the Communi Qi if you need further help to calm your Shen 🙂

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I’m Jeffrey Chand, an acupuncturist, practitioner of Traditional Chinese medicine, and Qigong instructor.

I am incredibly passionate about sharing simple Qigong practices because I have directly witnessed how helpful it can be for a variety of health issues, prevention, emotional/mental health, and even spiritual health.

The style that I try to present is simple but effective, because it is based on several Qigong traditions, clinical experience, physical therapy, traditional and modern medicine, and from working with many people from a variety of backgrounds.

This style can be practiced if you are an absolute beginner and if you already have experience in Qigong or Tai Chi.

If you are curious, give Qigong practice a try and I am sure you will notice benefit to your health and wellness 🙂

To get the full benefit of qi gong practice I would highly recommend practicing full routines which can be found in the “Communi Qi.”

This is an online library with:
-full qigong routines
-short qi gong routines
-members question and answers
-the “Universi Qi” where we discuss Qigong, Traditional Chinese medicine, wellness, and inspiration
-over 100 videos!
-members only discussion forum where you can connect with like-minded people

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