Xing Yi Seminar Intro

xing yi chuan staff

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Introduction to Xing Yi ongoing seminars at Brooline Tai Chi with Marcus Opalenik from Yi Zong New England.
Time marks of interest
:15 – An Introdction to Xing Yi Chuan
:45 – How Xing Yi is used to increase vitality
1:40 – The TCM model of the Fie Water pivot and how it pertains to Xing Yi
3:20 – Harnessing the power of fire for creativity
3:54 – Endocrine and Nrevous system balncing in Xing Yi
4:23 – Martial theory of Xing Yi
5:05 – Seminar info – time, dates, content, etc.
7:20 – Martial adept Luo De Xiu’s link to the five elements