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Bagua ZhiTang 64 Palm. A Liang Style specialty: linear practice methods. A series of 64 palms that are relatively simple and easy to learn but retain the flavor of the style. Breakdowns are simple and taught with authority.
Demonstrator/Teacher: Master Zhang Quan Liang is 3rd generation inheritor of Liang style Bagua Palm and has achieved the 7th grade wushu grading evaluation.
The style represented is derived from one of the most famous BaGua teachers: Liang Zhen Pu. A respected lineage it traces roots to BaGua’s creator Dong Hai Chuan. Many important partner and basic exercises are clearly shown in this style, not always the case with BaGua. Liang has a number of special attributes which include “linear” applications and practice and clear, straight forward exercises to increase skill.
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