Acupuncture, tuina (Chinese massage) and cupping for back pain


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Tom Kennedy MBAcC demonstrates the use of acupuncture, tuina and cupping for non-specific low-back pain in Bristol. To find out more, please visit and sign up for the newsletter.

‘Hi, I’m Tom Kennedy, I’m an acupuncturist based in Bristol in the United Kingdom. I made this video to demonstrate a ‘typical’ back pain treatment, but of course, acupuncture and tuina are always tailored to the individual and no two treatments are ever the same, so it’s typical only in the broadest sense. This patient has had nonspecific low-back pain over several years, as well as other inflammatory problems. Taking his pulse and using other methods of assessment, my main conclusions from the Chinese medicine perspective were that this was a mixed pattern of excess and deficiency, with Kidney weakness, internal Heat, and localised Qi and Blood stagnation. Whilst it’s not shown here, I’d look at range of movement before treating, and a full discussion of diet and lifestyle factors is almost always an important part of recovery – what you see here is very much a condensed version of a single treatment, but hopefully it gives some insight into the process…’

Visit for more information and full transcript.

Tom works at The Natural Health Clinic ( and Enso Healing Rooms ( in Bristol, UK.

Get 20% off Tom’s ‘Learn acupressure to encourage an optimal natural birth’ online course, featuring Debra Betts: