Annual TaoTouch Chi Nei Tsang Training Retreat in Crete, Greece with Gilles Marin

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TaoTouch Chi Nei Tsang Training Retreat
Every Summer in Crete, Greece

Join us for a transformative immersion into Classical Taoist practices, Chi Kung internal alchemy, and hands-on TaoTouch Chi Nei Tsang. The setting of Orizon Center for Life & Creation, on the amazing, powerful island of Crete, Greece, is the perfect place to dive into these practices and into one’s self, while extending your chi to help others heal from within. Taught by the master practitioner and instructor Gilles Marin.

The Crete Retreat is not simply a training retreat. It is equally, if not moreso, a personal experience where the conditions and practices set the environment for an inner healing journey. The retreat begins with 5 days of TaoTouch Chi Kung Incubation Practices, a combination of classical Taoist and ancient Greek internal philosophy and functional practices. From here, we then dive into the hands-on Chi Nei Tsang training, with internal Chi Kung woven in throughout the month as well.

The order of classes allows students to start building a foundation of knowledge, understanding, and observation of your own level of Chi so you can begin to welcome, experience, and utilize Universal Forces safely and with compassion for yourselves and the people who you work with, whether fellow students or future clients.

The training includes all hands-on TaoTouch Chi Nei Tsang techniques and Chi Kung practices including Healing Buddha Palms, Space and Boundaries Chi Kung, and Human Potential Fusion Meditation, along with the systematic inclusion of the use of the Biology of Consciousness.

(The background of this video is the beautiful mosaic at the Temple of Asclepius in Lissos, Crete, dating back to 1st-2nd century AD. This was and still is a sacred place for healing, especially through dreamtime.)