This video we bring you about baguazhang staff to you so you can watch and also have access to related topics and items, all in one place. You can learn and keep learning without distraction.
This video is a study of how internal KungFu forms change as teacher’s age.
The first video is of 6th generation Master Ni Shrfu performing the BaGuazhang Gun as it was taught to him by 4th generation Master LiuXinHan over 30 years ago. Notice the obvious power and high level of dexterity.
The second video is of my Older Brother performing the same form as it was taught to him by 5th generation Master LiuMenGeng. Master LiuMenGeng studied with Master LiuXinHan many years after Ni Shrfu.
Although the blocking and focus of the two forms is virtually identical there is a discrepancy in how each form derives power.
This is due to the physical limitations LiuXinHan faced, as he grew older. The form taught to Ni is the young persons version where as the one taught to my Older Brother is the old persons version. This is not to say that one is better than the other. Rather to illustrate that even in the same family under the same master variation can exist and often serves a purpose.
Beijing, China. 2014