Chi For Internal Organs – Chi Nei Tsang (Morphic Field)

nei tsang

This video we bring you about nei tsang to you so you can watch and also have access to related topics and items, all in one place. You can learn and keep learning without distraction.

Chi Nei Tsang massage detoxifies the body by unblocking the stagnant “chi” and eliminating toxins that hinder it from performing at its best. The internal organs are “cleansed” of negative emotions which can produce psychosomatic reactions that manifest as illnesses. When these stress manifestations are cleared, the body is able to properly function. Pain–headaches, back and muscle pain, menstrual cramps, to name a few–is alleviated and managed. Lymphatic drainage is also improved, which boosts your immune system. Chi Nei Tsang realigns your organs with an effect of optimized body performance.

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chi,chi nei tsang,Morphic Field