Chi Nei Tsang; Great technique to release cecum and promote digestion great (abdominal massage)

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In this video I show a a very effective Chi Nei Tsang technique which helps to release the cecum (which is the first part of the large intestines). This technique is called ‘finger wave’ and is coming from a massage called Chi Nei Tsang (or abdominal Chi Massage). Chi Nei Tsang massage is also called Internal organ massage and one of the goals of the massage is to release tension (physical and emotional) from the different organs. So the finger wave is part of the massage for the large intestines (in total there are more then 10 techniques for the Large Intestines). So this massage technique is great to help to release cecum (which first part of the large intestines). The goal of this Chi Nei Tsang technique is to bring movement towards large intestines and this can help to release abdominal pain and constipation. And ultimately will help to create a better digestion and better health…

This video is a sample from our online Chi Nei Tsang course. In this course you will learn how to give a full abdominal chi Massage course. For more info:

Chi Nei Tsang is a Taoist abdominal massage and Chi Nei Tsang literally means: the energy contained by our organs . With abdominal Chi Massage we release blockages, both emotional and physical in the abdominal region. By using specific massage techniques, pressure points and reflex zones stagnated Chi will be released and the flow of energy to the internal organs will be increased. Which assists our clients in their healing process

This is a sample of our online course: Abdominal Chi Massage (Chi Nei Tsang), which is available now. In this course you learn how to give a full Chi Nei Tsang session. See:
For more info visit our website:

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