Chi Nei Tsang Massage: Easy tip when client is Ticklish (Abdominal Chi Massage)

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Sometimes it can happen when you give a Chi Nei Tsang Massage (belly massage) that your client is Ticklish in some areas (and maybe even start to laugh). Of course you don’t want to stop the abdominal massage. So how to deal with this so that that you can continue your abdominal massage. In this video I share a simple and easy trick how to do Abdominal massage when you client is Ticklish.

This video is from our online Chi Nei Tsang course in which I share my techniques, tips, approaches. And in which you learn to give a full abdominal Chi Massage:

In this course I will teach you many techniques/approaches how to do an effective Abdominal Chi Massage. Also I share my experience and give many tips and insights into Chi Nei Tsang massage.

Chi Nei Tsang is a Taoist abdominal massage and Chi Nei Tsang literally means: the energy contained by our organs . With abdominal Chi Massage we release blockages, both emotional and physical in the abdominal region. By using specific massage techniques, pressure points and reflex zones stagnated Chi will be released and the flow of energy to the internal organs will be increased. Which assists our clients in their healing process

This is a sample of our online course: Abdominal Chi Massage (Chi Nei Tsang), which is available now. In this course you learn how to give a full Chi Nei Tsang session. See
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