Dao Yin Shu from Phienix Tai chi

dao yin

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Dao Yin Shu
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Ez egy 8 mozdulatbòl àllò sorozat, amelynek àramlò mozdulatai a lègzès szabàlyozàsàval együtt a test immunrendszerèt erősìti. Gyakorlàsàval jòtèkonyan hat a testtartartàsra, a mentàlis ès lelki àllapotra, szabàlyozza a test funkciòit. Ötvözi a hagyomànyos kìnai gyògyàszat, az 5 elem, a meridiànpintok ès a modern orvostudomàny elmèleteit.
Kiegèszítő teràpiakènt is alkalmazhatò az egèszség kialakìtàsàhoz, fenntartàsàhoz.
Mozdulatai inkàbb a tai chi-hoz hasonlìtanak, kezdő tai chi gyakorlók szàmàra a fejlődèst nagyban elősìgiti a rendszeres gyakorlàsa.

Ìme a teljes 8×2-es sorozat rèszenkènt a Phoenix Tai chi-tól!

Dao Yin Shu

Its origin and age are not exactly known.
It was found on a mummified scroll, probably once found in the tomb of an important person.
This is a series of 8 movements, the flowing movements of which, together with the regulation of breathing, strengthen the body’s immune system. With its practice, it has an effective effect on posture, mental and spiritual state, and regulates the body’s functions. It combines the theories of traditional Chinese medicine, the 5 elements, meridian points and modern medical science.
It can also be used as a complementary therapy to establish and maintain health.
Its movements are more similar to tai chi, for beginner tai chi practitioners, their development is greatly accelerated by regular practice.

Here is the complete 8×2 series from Phoenix Tai chi!

The 1st movement:

The 2nd movement:

The 3rd movement:

The 4th movement:

The 5th movement:

The 6th movement:

The 7th movement:

The 8th movement:

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