Health Qigong Ma Wang Dui Dao Yin Shu – 健身气功马王堆导引术

dao yin

This video we bring you about dao yin to you so you can watch and also have access to related topics and items, all in one place. You can learn and keep learning without distraction.

The Health Qigong Mawangdui Daoyin exercises is a set of Qigong exercises designed based on the meridian principles and traditional TCM theories. Through regulating the mind, Breathing and Qi, and body, together with a series of thousand-year-old specially choreographed postures discovered in a two thounsand-year-old tomb, it helps the limbs to open, close, lifts, rotate, stretches, stretches the tendons and strengthen the bones.

The exercises are fantastic for self-cultivation, nourishment, and boost the mind and Qi. Thus, have the effects of curing diseases, strengthening the body, and prolonging life.
The demonstration of this form is conducted by Master Tary, one of the highest level Qigong and Health Qigong Masters in Europe, It is beautiful to watch and easy to learn and suitable for people of all ages and physical conditions.


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