Idiot’s Guide to Daoist Taoist Yoga Neidan Qigong Neigong Alchemy Meditation Kundalini Energy


This video we bring you about neigong to you so you can watch and also have access to related topics and items, all in one place. You can learn and keep learning without distraction.

This video is part of my upload playlist on Yuan Qi training thanks. The only point of this vid is to provide links to the actual research – see below:

110 plus vids showing bioenergy demonstrations – qi, shakti, shen, prana, kundalini, N/om, spirit, shaman healing –

See my blog for more details:

See my other blogbook: Blue Light and Blues Music: Quantum biology, meditation and metaphysics

For more science details – Blue Light and Blues Music: Quantum biology, meditation and metaphysics book with lots of images as pdf free!

Now featuring! FREE: Microcosmic Orbit, Kriya Yoga and Pythagorean Tetraktys as Music Harmonics of ancient advanced global alchemy as PDF or as Docdroid

Ancient Advanced Acoustic Alchemy: Free Book now Online


Ancient Advanced Acoustic Alchemy
2018 book
Table of Contents

Chapter One: The Paradox of Pythagorean Paranormal Pan Pipes As Ancient Mystic Music Alchemy
pp 3 – 9
Chapter Two: Microcosmic Orbit, Kriya Yoga and Pythagorean Tetraktys as Music Harmonics of ancient advanced global alchemy
pp. 10 – 29
Chapter Three: The Idiot’s Guide to Taoist Alchemy Qigong, Enlightenment, Neidan, Nei Kung, Neigong training for males
pp. 30-176
Chapter Four: The Blue Light of Blues Music: Quantum Biology, Metaphysics and Meditation
pp. 177-398
Chapter Four: Cracking the Cosmic Mother Ostrich Egg Omphalos Female Formless Awareness Alchemy secret revealed
pp. 399 – 419
Conclusion: CONCLUSION: The OZ EFFECT: The Strange Fate of the EMDrive: Sonofusion Acoustic power and Metamaterials
pp. 420-426

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