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Sian Chay is deeply committed to supporting the elderly, embodying its mission to heal, promote recovery, and enhance quality of life. This commitment goes beyond accessible Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatment and care, extending to a range of activities designed to enrich seniors’ lives. One inspiring example is the journey of an elderly stroke patient who achieved recovery with Sian Chay’s support through TCM.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Approach at Sian Chay:
Enhancing Neural Recovery with Acupuncture: Sian Chay offers acupuncture treatments to aid elderly stroke patients in neural recovery. By targeting specific acupuncture points, these sessions help restore motor skills, reduce muscle tension, and improve mobility, empowering seniors to regain independence and confidence in their daily activities.
Improving Circulation and Reducing Inflammation: Sian Chay provides customized herbal treatments to improve circulation and reduce inflammation—essential components in stroke recovery. These tailored prescriptions support overall health, increase energy, and address stroke-related symptoms, promoting a quicker and more effective healing process.
Fostering Mental and Emotional Well-being: Stroke recovery can be mentally taxing, especially for elderly patients. At Sian Chay, seniors benefit from a caring, community-oriented environment where they participate in TCM practices like qigong. This practice helps improve coordination, regain physical strength, and alleviate stress. Sian Chay’s holistic approach fosters a sense of belonging and resilience, supporting both physical and emotional rehabilitation.
Sian Chay Medical Institution is a charitable organization registered with the Ministry of Health (MOH) in Singapore. A Social Service Agency that provides free Traditional Chinese Medicine consultation, a low cost medicine and treatment for the community regardless of race or religion in Singapore.
Our Core Values / Beliefs
To foster a positive spirit of collaboration amongst residents, charities, volunteers and partners so as to create a conducive and convenient environment for medical consultation and treatment. To promote the 5 core values of Sian Chay, Forgiveness, Universal Love, #Compassion , #Gratitude and #Dedication “.
To embrace the beliefs: “Nation Progresses, Family Prospers; Family Harmony, Successful Endeavours. Forward with the Nation, Bonding with the People”.
Our Vision
To position Sian Chay as the recognised charity for continuing its spirit of serving the people. To establish it as the premier TCM Hub championing Wellness Lifestyle, Blissful Living in Singapore.
Our Mission
To promote TCM education and development as well as to participate in the charitable and humanitarian work in Singapore.
Scope of Services in Singapore
Internal Medical Consultation
#Tuina Therapy
Full waiver for #PioneerGenerationSG.Those under government financial assistance scheme or low income families can apply for waiver of medical charges.
👉 👉 Contact us Locate us at
#traditionalchinesemedicine #tcm
#singaporecharitableart #sianchaylove
Translated titles:
Parcours vers le bien-être : Comment Sian Chay aide les personnes âgées à se remettre d’un AVC
कल्याण की यात्रा: कैसे सियान चाय टीसीए
رحلة إلى العافية: كيف يساعد سيان تشاي كبار السن على الت
ကျန်းမာရေးအတွက် ခရီး-TCM မှတစ်ဆင့် သက်
Perjalanan Menuju Kesehatan: Bagaimana Sian Chay Membantu Lansia Sembuh dari Stroke melalui TCM
웰빙을 향한 여정: Sian Chay가 TCM을 통해 노인들의 뇌졸중 회복을 돕는 방법
Путешествие к здоровью: как Сиан Чай помогает пожилым
Viaje hacia el bienestar: cómo Sian Chay ayuda a las personas mayores a recuperarse de un accidente
Reise zum Wohlbefinden: Wie Sian Chay Senioren durch TCM hilft, sich von einem Schlaganfall zu erhol