Kundalini Reiki Lesson 1: What is Kundalini? Can I get it to rise?

reiki lesson

This video we bring you about reiki lesson to you so you can watch and also have access to related topics and items, all in one place. You can learn and keep learning without distraction.

Hey guys! Gretchen with Healer’s Insight here with your first lesson in Kundalini Reiki – homework at the end. It’s not bad! I misspoke when I said that Kava Reiki would be next. Kundalini Reiki was promised prior to Kava Reiki – I WILL have Kava out the very next Reiki series.

Back to Kundalini Reiki – let’s start with what Kundalini is, it’s an energy that you were born with. It came in through your crown chakra and was pushed into your root chakra. There it lies dormant, waiting for you to do the work to allow it to rise. You don’t want it rising before you do the work, this may cause your chakra bodies to manifest a physical ailment.

Anyway, the root chakra is where it lies AND it’s locked in. We’re going to learn how to clear our chakras and dantiens and energy body so that the Kundalini energy can rise in a healthy way. Learn about the locks – how to use them for your benefit. Mudras to raise the vibration, you’re going to learn so much during this series!

Kundalini Reiki is a SHORT series.
Until next time,