Meet Frank Allen and the Wu Tang P.C.A. [Whirling Circles #001]

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Welcome to the Whirling Circles Internal Martial Arts Podcast brought to you by the Wu Tang Physical Culture Association. Our newly developed podcast is focused on all things martial arts but also specifically Internal Martial Arts.

In this first episode, we are just introducing you to Frank Allen and the Wu Tang P.C.A. based in the lower east side of New York City

In this episode, you’ll discover—
– How Frank got into Martial Arts and eventually teaching
– Core concepts about internal martial arts and how they are far-reaching
– The basic curriculum for Frank’s students in NYC and how it evolved
– How Frank and the Wu Tang P.C.A. continue to grow even amidst this global pandemic.

For more info about Frank Allen and the Wu Tang P.CA.

Download the Wu Tang P.C.A.’s online content

Purchase Frank Allen & Tina Chunna Zhang’s Books
Whirling Circles of Ba Gua Zhang
Classical Northern Wu Style Tai Ji Quan

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