Negentropy as Noncommutative Nonlocal Nondualism Neidan Neigong Nature is not symmetric Matrix math


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Platonic materialistic idealism teaches that reality is symmetric with the two eyes as a unit or the two feet as a unit or two legs as a symmetric unit. Negentropy is actually noncommutative reality and without understanding this then we have a foundation of deep disharmony creating the ecological and social justice crisis. So in fact the left foot is heaven and the right foot is earth – for males – the left foot is yang and the right foot is yin. This teaching is found in Taoism or in Egypt or India or in native American indigenous Indian cultures – or even in Islam with the left hand as the Moon and right hand as the sun (in the Hadith). So the truth is a nonlocal noncommutative phase that is superluminal – not a symmetric materialism.
Nondualism is actually noncommutative – so Westerners also do not understand the Jnana yoga philosophy of Ramana Maharshi. He taught a “three in one” unity from the three gunas based on music theory as noncommutative phase (see my sacred sound video). So first we empty out the left side of the brain and then we visualize light on the right side of the heart – as the secret pinhole to the Ether that powers the light. But this noncommutative logic continues eternally.
Most physicists do not realize that at zero time there already is nonlocality that is noncommutative – this is realized by Professor Basil J. Hiley.
Noncommutative music theory explains this truth in simple terms – as I explained in my Sacred Sound video.

is Eddie Oshins website while he worked at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center and he taught Neigong (internal martial arts alchemy) as based on noncommutative quantum logic.
There is no scale limit to noncommutative logic. So this enables the quantum nonlocality to be scaled up as the Yuan Qi energy is embodied and stored. As Dr. William Tiller explains (see my last video) this enables levitation as antigravity energy.
So the time is not just a constructed measurement of science as Einstein claimed – from symmetric math – but rather time is eternal and superluminal – faster than the speed of light. So reverse time energy then is able to create new matter and harmonize the current matter – and this works through the 5th dimension as a quantum black hole-white hole that reverses space itself.
So then as math professor Luigi Borzacchini explains due to the wrong music theory at the foundation of Western science then there is a deep disharmony that is pre-established and the symmetric math is thus a “guiding evoltive principle” of science. This is understood as the Actual Matrix Plan also called the “music logarithmic spiral” by MKUltra CIA scientist Dr. Andrija Puharich and his collaborator Professor Oliver L. Reiser – working with a UN-based think tank and the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton – I exposed this Actual Matrix Plan in 2001.