Nei Jia Quan – Internal Martial Arts – Tai Chi Chuan

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The world within, creates the world without. NJQ stands for Nei Jia Quan, translated means ‘internal fist’. Nei Jia Quan is comprised of the Taoist internal martial arts Bagua Zhang, Tai Chi Chuan, and Xing Yi Quan. Tai Chi Chuan forms take the practitioner through a complete, natural range of motion, all the while maintaining their center of gravity. Accurate, repeated practice of routine is very effective at retraining posture, encourage circulation throughout the body, maintaining and developing flexibility through the joints, and further deepen ones understanding with the martial application sequences implied by the forms.

Under the principles of yin and yang, all changes in the universe are accomplished through the Five Elements, which are, wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. The Five Elements produce one another and overcome one another. The art of Tai Chi Chuan is based on these cosmic principles, they are reflected in every single movement of the art. Tai Chi Chuan practiced correctly places one in harmony with the cosmic forces.

Video by : & Nathan Patrick