I have in the past met people that were looking to try Reiki, but were afraid to because of a bad reputation for being spiritual. But Reiki was not intended to be spiritual by its founder Dr. Usui. In fact, most people that had a problem (from my experience) were said to be Christian, but the only negative energies I picked up were from them. All other people from a range of ethnicities didn’t even ask about weather or not it was tied to any religions because all they were thinking about was getting better.
But there were also a lot of Christian clients that were ok with the rumors about Reiki, and when they asked me, I just told them that some Reiki practitioners do call on the Reiki to guide them, and also ask for assistance from past, present, and even future masters to help with the treatment, but I don’t. I also told them that there were a lot of practitioners that called on Angels for help and to hold space. I told then that Reiki was just a combination of faith, belief, focus, and relying on the Universal Life Force of God to do what it needs to. And that was it.
Other more open-minded clients of mine understood me when I told them that the body’s vital life force that animates it is what the Chinese call Chi, the Indians call it Prana, and the Greeks called it Ether. Over in the west quantum mechanics discusses a great one mind that connects us all, and that there is in fact a connection between us all, and that there is a matrix that exists everywhere, and that it was intelligent. We all know that we are all created by this invisible life energy. Call it what you will.
The one thing that I learned was that I am not, nor have not developed any physic abilities from doing Reiki, and only one time did I feel something that was not good follow a person into my office. (Thank God I wasn’t doing my practice at home) I just performed the whole body treatment on them and they felt some relief, and when they left. that thin (whatever it was) left with them. I didn’t judge it, and I didn’t let fear take over. I just smiled in it’s direction, and nodded acknowledging it, and continued. I kept my composure and just continued with focusing on the client. I dared NOT tell them what was going on, so they were practically asleep and enjoyed the treatment.
The point is that I personally believe in my God, and that’s all I know when it comes to spiritual things. I don’t praise anyone or thing, nor do I fear them. I may get goosebumps, but I will charge forward if that is the way I have to go. I only pray to God in my own way to ask HIM if he would see fit to let his Life Force guide me and flow through me, healing me, and through the client (near or distant) healing them on all levels. I then perform my own Reiki (if you want to call it that). I’m just a conduit. And one thing I can tell new (and future) Reiki Practitioners is that they talk about the receiver’s body drawing the Ki to where it needs it, right? I can tell you that out of the hundreds of sessions I have done, that this is true. I learned that if their own mind is disbelieving it during treatment, it will not work out well. You will even feel that they aren’t into it and are not liking it. Just go through the motions. Get your exchange for it, and move on.
On the other hand, after gaining experience, I learned how to make them comfortable (and not calling on Angels to make them feel safe, either). I start with asking them to just relax and let us see if anything, the treatment will make them relax or I just tell them to take a nap, or do whatever, since they’re already here. This will at least turn their mental ’emergency brakes’ off and allow the treatment to take place. Most will wake up or emerge feeling relaxed and refreshed. No anxiety, no fear, just themselves. They get it.
For the atheists, or skeptical ones, I would explain that electricity runs through all of us, through every particle in the universe. And that in some people throughout history, they have an ability to touch you and you feel a warmth (more than usual) or even tingling. This is just a higher ‘voltage’ they developed with guidance of the mind over time with trained focus. Reiki is just an electrical jump start, but instead of it being a jolt of energy, it was more like when two clocks synchronize. (For those who wonder how it works without contact) I hope this helps everyone know my perception of Reiki, and that there are many kinds of or ‘flavors’ of it. Mine has a Chinese Kung Fu, Qigong, and Tai Chi background behind it. So it is definitely different from that of another with different skills.
For those of you reading this who are thinking of trying a session, Give Reiki a chance. It might just be that thing that just helps you. You won’t know or care why it does afterward, but it just does. And if you feel better after your first treatment, but something else pops up, don’t blame Reiki. You should continue and get through your initial campaign to get well with a few successive treatments. This is known in Reiki as a ‘healing crisis’. What it actually is, is a latent illness that was dormant and was disturbed by the body’s energy / immune system being stimulated. (You should see a trained medical doctor if you have a serious illness. Reiki is considered to be complimentary and is not for treating or curing any disease.) But don’t forget what got you to that point. Think of what a few more sessions would do. If you choose not to, then at least your doctors will be able to treat you. Peace