Reiki Review: Lessons 1-3

reiki lesson

This video we bring you about reiki lesson to you so you can watch and also have access to related topics and items, all in one place. You can learn and keep learning without distraction.

In this video, Lilli reviews all of the Reiki symbols and concepts taught in lessons 1-3. Throughout the review, she offers valuable new insights and clarity about the material covered so far.

Lilli begins by repeating the 5 Principles of Reiki and offering additional ways of working with them.

Next, Lilli details how to give “Hands Off Reiki” and describes how and when it is useful. Please note: a banner comes up which says there’s a video in this series that shows Lilli giving Reiki. That video is yet to be filmed!

Finally, Lilli goes over all of the Reiki symbols that have been taught thus far. She reminds viewers how to write, pronounce, and draw each symbol, and offers all sorts of fabulous new insights into how to use them.

Now that you’re all caught up, it’s time to learn the next symbol in Lesson Four: Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen 1.

Thanks for watching!