Sati Lesson: Karuna Reiki

reiki lesson

This video we bring you about reiki lesson to you so you can watch and also have access to related topics and items, all in one place. You can learn and keep learning without distraction.

Hi guys! Gretchen here with your Sati lesson. Yes, I know we’re in the middle of Kundalini Reiki and Kava Reiki is STILL next. However, I had a request for a system that I already have out there so I will be releasing a lesson video, a how to draw video AND an attunement video for Sati and Hosanna and Udreka symbols.

I hope you enjoy this lesson! Sati is the perfect balance of the divine feminine and masculine. Perfect to use for communication, harmony, joy, get rid of jealousy. Allow you to stay on your true path. Just a really really beautiful symbol to use in your healings, self healings, house cleansings and on your food.

Until next time,