Scientific Explanation of Qi and Qi Gong – Master Dr. Zhou Real Treatments and Demonstrations

yang shen gong

This video we bring you about yang shen gong to you so you can watch and also have access to related topics and items, all in one place. You can learn and keep learning without distraction.

In this documentary made by ATS Institute, Giacomo Catalani guides you through the discovery of Qi and Qi Gong as a practice for health and therapy. The first step to understanding these sophisticated mechanisms of the human body is to approach correctly at this knowledge. This also means understanding Chinese culture, from which this cultural and scientific heritage comes.

ATS Institute has dedicated an entire department to the study and research in the field of traditional chinese medicine and energy medicine.

The images and all the information that you can access by watching this documentary were collected during several research trips to various parts of China, with the collaboration and availability of Dr. Zhou.

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#Qi #QiGong #Giacomocatalani #MasterZhou #Costantinovalente #istitutoats #atsinstitute