student tuina two weeks of training [acupuncture | medicine | dongguk university los angeles]


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student tuina two weeks of training [acupuncture | medicine | dongguk university los angeles] #acupuncture #dongguk #tcm
At Dongguk University Los Angeles/DULA, you will have the privilege, just as our student Daniel has, to learn from our fantastic professor, Dr. Qian, the art of Tuina.
(see youtube link below)

Currently, Daniel has trained for 2 weeks so far during this quarter and has about 2-3 months of training left. He is doing great so far, but still has a lot to learn. We can’t wait to see what he will be like at the conclusion of his training with Dr. Qian at the end of the quarter!
Tuina Technique Example: Na fa / grasping
_Na fa is one of the most versatile and frequently used Tuina techniques. As the root technique for at least seven compound techniques, its flexibility in practice is invaluable.
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